3 Key Themes for HR Tech Investment

3 Key Themes for HR Tech Investment

This article about Gartner’s Hype Cycle for HR Technology discusses three themes that are important for HR leaders to consider when investing in new technologies. These themes are agility, resilience, and efficiency. The article also details specific technologies that fall under each theme. Some of the important points from this article are that HR leaders need to prioritize investment in technologies that will help them adapt to change and that they should pilot new technologies before deploying them across their entire organization.

Agility refers to an organization’s ability to adapt to change quickly. In the context of HR technology, this means that HR systems should be flexible and easy to modify to meet the changing needs of the business. For example, composable HR application frameworks (CHAFs) allow organizations to quickly deploy new employee experiences through packaged business capabilities (PBCs).

Resilience refers to an organization’s ability to withstand disruption and recover quickly. In the context of HR technology, this means that HR systems should be reliable and able to support the organization even during times of change. For example, global employer of record (EoR) solutions can help organizations hire and manage workers in a new location without having to set up a legal entity in each country. This can be helpful for organizations that are expanding into new markets quickly.

Efficiency refers to getting the most out of resources. In the context of HR technology, this means that HR systems should help organizations automate tasks and streamline processes. For example, generative AI (GenAI) can be used to automate tasks such as text generation for job descriptions and recruiting.

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