Cornerstone Blogs

McKinsey & Company's article highlights the transformative potential of generative AI for businesses across all industries. Here's a summary of the key takeaways:What is Generative AI?Generative AI refers to a class of artificial intelligence algorithms capable of creating entirely new content, including images, video, audio,...

This article about Gartner’s Hype Cycle for HR Technology discusses three themes that are important for HR leaders to consider when investing in new technologies. These themes are agility, resilience, and efficiency. The article also details specific technologies that fall under each theme. Some of...

The winds of change are constantly blowing through the corporate world. Technological advancements, global shifts, and ever-evolving market demands necessitate a dynamic and adaptable leadership team at the helm. This is particularly true for CXOs – Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Operating Officers,...

The C-suite carries the weight of immense responsibility. CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and other top executives are tasked with navigating complex challenges, driving strategic growth, and inspiring their teams to achieve exceptional results. these leaders face ever-increasing pressure to perform at their peak especially in today’s...

The tide is turning in executive search, with diversity and inclusion becoming the watchwords of the day. This is not just about checking boxes or quotas, but about actively seeking and promoting a wider range of qualified candidates. Gone are the days of homogenous boardrooms,...

Rosalynn Carter's wisdom rings true: "A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't yet know they want to be." In today's dynamic business landscape, attracting such visionary leaders is crucial for any organization's success. This is...

The world of executive search is undergoing a dynamic shift. Globalization, economic fluctuations, and evolving talent preferences are creating a complex and ever-changing landscape for both organizations seeking top leadership and search firms navigating the market. Understanding the opportunities and challenges at play is crucial...

Imagine this: you're scaling the treacherous mountain, aiming for the pinnacle of success. But instead of seasoned Sherpas guiding your way, you're relying on friendly park rangers accustomed to gentle nature trails. The risk? Missing the summit altogether, or worse, taking a perilous tumble. This,...

The professional world is a dynamic landscape, constantly in flux. Businesses evolve, industries restructure, and sometimes, difficult decisions around personnel changes become necessary. While employers strive for stability, unforeseen circumstances or strategic shifts can lead to employee separations. In these turbulent moments, a proactive approach...

In the high-stakes game of executive search, finding the right candidate isn't just about checking boxes on a resume. It's about uncovering hidden potential, assessing strategic alignment, and predicting future success with laser-sharp precision. That's where executive assessment emerges as a game-changer, offering a unique...